Products available online direct from the manufacturer
Rex Micro-A Dial and Digital Durometers
The Rex Type M durometers were developed for testing specimens less than .250″ (6 mm) thick. They use much smaller indentors and lighter springloads than the standard A scale gauge, enabling the user to obtain readings comparable to the standard A scale on materials as thin as .050″ (1.25 mm). The Micro-A durometers provide readings within approximately +/- 2 points of a standard A scale durometer. Since the correlation of readings between the Micro-A and the standard A scale is not exact, we recommend use with a test block kit for comparison purposes. The Micro-A is available in Model 1600M or digital DD-4M. They are ASTM D2240 certifiable if used in conjunction with a dampened operating stand with a controlled rate of descent (Model OS-3).