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(a) Wherever possible, these citations are drawn from original research. In many cases, however, the only source of information we had available was from a compilation of experimental data, with references to multiple original sources; in these instances, the citation listed here is to the compilation. For full bibliographical information, click on the footnote of interest.
(b) We have grouped this data into six basic categories: Critical surface tension as determined by the Zisman method (regression of the cosine of the contact angle), or by the wetting tension method (using solutions of 2-ethoxyethanol and formamide, per ASTM Std. D-2578); contact angle measurement; direct measurement of the surface tension of the polymer melt, extrapolated to 20o-25oC; calculated from various molecular and thermodynamic constants; other methods which do not fit clearly into any of the above; and data whose derivation is unknown. The contact angle section is divided into two subsections — the first lists actual contact angles with water, and the second shows surface energy and critical surface tension estimates calculated from the contact angles of various test liquids.
(c) Data is presented either as contact angle in degrees, critical surface tension in mJ/m2, or surface free energy in mJ/m2. Definitions of symbols follow.
#ϒsd Dispersion contribution to surface free energy.
#ϒsp Polar contribution to surface free energy.
#ϒsLW Lifschitz—van der Waals (non-polar) contribution to surface free energy (acid—base analysis).
#ϒsAB Interaction contribution to surface free energy (acid—base analysis).
#ϒs+ Acid contribution to surface free energy (acid—base analysis).
#ϒs- Base contribution to surface free energy (acid—base analysis).
ΘWY Equilibrium (or Young's) contact angle.
(d) This data is provided for review purposes; however, because it is a statistical outlier, compared to other reported values, it is not included in the summary table.
(e) The polar and dispersive contributions are provided for review purposes; however, because they are statistical outliers, compared to other reported values, they are not included in the summary table.