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2067. Goldman, M., A. Goldman, and R.S. Sigmond, “The corona discharge, its properties and specific uses,” Pure and Applied Chemistry, 57, 1353-1362, (1985).

2184. Wolf, R.A., and A.C. Sparavigna, “Atmospheric plasma for textiles,” R. Technologie Tessili, 46-50, (May 2006).

A recent study has illustrated a sizeable increase in the printing characteristics of nonwovens following atmospheric plasma treatments. The improvement of properties such as wettability, printability and adhesion opens up new application prospects for treated fabrics.

2992. Fatyeyevah, K., A. Dahi, C. Chappey, D. Langevin, J.-M. Valleton, F. Poncin-Epaillard, and S. Marais, “Effect of cold plasma treatment on surface properties and gas permeability of polyimide films,” RSC Adavnces, Issue 59, (2014).

The surface functionalization of polyimide (Matrimid® 5218) films was carried out by cold plasma treatment with CF4, N2 and O2 gases using a radio frequency discharge and the optimum plasma conditions were evaluated by water contact angle measurements. The surface hydrophobicity of polyimide films was obtained after CF4 plasma treatment, while O2 and N2 plasma treatments contributed to the hydrophilic surface functionalization. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results revealed the presence of CFx, amino or oxygen-containing groups attached to the polyimide film surface depending on the treatment gas. A strong influence of the used plasma gas on the film roughness was determined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements. The influence of the surface modification on CO2, N2 and O2 gas permeation through the plasma treated films was evaluated. The permeation behaviour was characterized in terms of transport parameters, namely, coefficients of permeability, diffusion and solubility. The permeability coefficient of all plasma treated polyimide films for the studied gases (CO2, N2 and O2) was found to decrease following the order of increasing the kinetic molecular diameter of the penetrant gas. Besides, the selectivity coefficient was found to be significantly increased after the plasma treatments – αCO2/N2 was increased up to 36% and 98% for O2 and N2 plasma treated Matrimid® 5218 films, respectively. The relationship between the gas permeation behaviour and the surface modification of polymer film by cold plasma was discussed.

2959. Ding, L., L. Wang, L. Shao, J. Cao, and Y. Bai, “The water-dependent decay mechanism of biaxially-oriented corona-treated polyethylene terephthalate films,” RSC Advances, 4, 54805-54809, (Oct 2014).

In moist environments biaxially-oriented corona-treated polyethylene terephthalate (BOPET) film undergoes a decay in surface energy with time. This decay is a significant and well-known problem and it considerably restricts the industrial application of BOPET film. In the present study the decay effect and the dynamics of corona-treated BOPET film in an aqueous environment have been studied using water contact angle and variable angle X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements. In addition the surface decay mechanism of the corona-treated BOPET film in aqueous environments was analyzed and a molecular moving model for the decay mechanism is proposed.

517. Lekan, S.F., “Surface treatment of polyolefins for decorating and adhesive bonding,” in RadTech 88 Proceedings, RadTech, 1988.

518. Lekan, S.F., “Corona treatment as an adhesion promoter for UV/EB curable coatings,” in RadTech 88 Proceedings, RadTech, 1988.

1392. Markgraf, M.P., “Corona treatment: An adhesion promoter for UV/EB converting,” RadTech Report, 7, (Sep 1993).

1723. Kunz, M., and M. Bauer, “Superior adhesion with 'smart priming' - New surface modification technology,” RadTech Report, 27-32, (Nov 2000).

1748. Yasuda, H., “Modification of polymers by plasma treatment and by plasma polymerization,” Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 9, 805-817, (1977).

2635. Samuel, J., and J. Renner, “UV inkjet label printing: Getting it right on the customer's substrate,” Radtech Report, 11-14, (Jul 2011).

Drop-on-demand inkjet printing, familiar to most of us from small home and office printers, is taking an increasing role in printing for the broader commercial and industrial market. Inkjet printing has made serious inroads into the market for printing banners and signs of all sorts. Wide-format and super wide-format printing is now the norm and has, to an increasing degree, superseded analog printing as the method of choice for printing large format and point-of-purchase signage. Overall, inkjet printing has now taken over 30 percent of the general sign and banner market. One area of printing that holds promise for future growth is that of packaging and labels. Many forms of commercial printing, although a huge market today, are threatened on multiple fronts from various forms of electronic media. Printing and decoration for packaging, on the other hand, is expected to increase in volume in the foreseeable future. In spite of this great promise, penetration of digital printing, in general, and inkjet printing, in particular, into packaging and label printing is still in the low single digits. This article will focus on the label market as an example of printing for packaging. Printing for packaging is a much broader and diverse subject than just labels, but many of the conclusions that follow can be extrapolated to the broader packaging market. Toner-based methods, both wet and dry, have been at the vanguard of penetrating the label market. Today, inkjet is slowly gaining market share. Inkjet has great potential because there is more flexibility in the type and characteristics of fluids that can be applied from an inkjet head. While there are many possible explanations for the relatively low penetration of digital printing into this market, this article will concentrate on the technical challenges involved in reliably printing labels of acceptable quality with inkjet printing. Only now is the inkjet printing industry overcoming these challenges.

874. Robinson, P.J., Decorating and Coating of Plastics (Rapra Review Report 65), Rapra, May 1993.

877. Rolando, T.E., Flexible Packaging - Adhesives, Coatings and Processes (Rapra Review Report 122), Rapra, Aug 2000.

886. Brewis, D.M., and I. Mathieson, Adhesion and Bonding to Polyolefins (Rapra Review Report 143), Rapra, Jun 2002.

1080. Martin-Martinez, J.M., M.D. Romero-Sanchez, C.M. Cepeda-Jiminez, et al, “Surface treatments to improve vulcanised latex adhesion: Current state of the art,” in Polymers in Building and Construction (Rapra Review Report 154), 157-178, Rapra, Feb 2003.

2530. Crutchley, E.B., Innovation Trends in Plastics Decoration and Surface Treatment: Decorative Effects on Moulded Plastics, Rapra Publishing, 2014.

1436. Brewis, D.M., and R.H. Dahm, Adhesion to Fluoropolymers (Rapra Review Report 183), Rapra Technology, Jul 2006.

2337. Zisman, W.A., “Surface properties of plastics,” Record of Chemical Progree, 26, 23+, (1965).

1599. Harkins, W.D., The Physical Chemistry of Surface Films, Reinhold, 1952.

935. Cormia, R.D., “Use plasmas to re-engineer your advanced materials,” Research & Development, (Jul 1990).

2515. Williams, T.S., H. Yu, and R.F. Hicks, “Atmospheric pressure plasma activation of polymers and composites for adhesive bonding: A critical review,” Rev. Adhesion and Adhesives, 1, 46-84, (Feb 2013).

A review is presented on the surface preparation of polymers and composites using atmospheric pressure plasmas. This is a promising technique for replacing traditional methods of surface preparation by abrasion. With sufficient exposure to the plasma afterglow, polymer and composite surfaces are fully activated such that when bonded and cured with epoxy adhesives, they undergo 100% cohesive failure in the adhesive. Depending on the material, the lap shear strength and crack delamination resistance (GIC) can be increased several fold over that achieved by either solvent wiping or abrasion. In some cases, a plasma-responsive layer must be incorporated into the top resin layer of the composite to achieve maximum bond strength to the adhesive. Adhesion does not correlate well with water contact angle or surface roughness. Instead it correlates with the fraction of the polymer surface sites that are oxidized and converted into active functional groups, as determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy.

74. de Gennes, P.-G., “Wetting: statics and dynamics,” Review of Modern Physics, 57(3), P1, 827-863, (1985).

12. Badran, A.A., and E. Marschall, “Oscillating pendant drop: A method for the measurement of dynamic surface and interfacial tension,” Review of Scientific Instrumentation, 57, 256-263, (Feb 1986).

268. Ohsawa, T., and T. Ozaki, “New method for determination of surface tension of liquids,” Review of Scientific Instrumentation, 52, 590-593, (1981).

837. Etzler, F.M., “Determination of the surface free energy of solids,” Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives, 43, 3-45, (Feb 2013).

Knowledge of the surface free energy of solids is important to understanding a number of processes involving wetting and adhesion to solid surfaces. The measurement of surface free energy has been a subject of active interest for at least 50 years. Despite the importance of the problem to a variety of industries a universally accepted method or set of methods for determination of solid surface free energies has not been agreed upon. In this review article various methods that have been used for the calculation of surface free energies are discussed. The limitations and concerns for employment of each of these methods are furthermore highlighted. Of principal concern is the use of contact angles that meet the requirements to be Young’s contact angles and the mixing of quantities obtained by contact angle measurements with those obtained by IGC, as surface free energies obtained by IGC tend to be larger than those obtained from contact angle measurements. Calculated values from IGC data are presumably larger than those from contact angle data as IGC data are often collected at very low surface coverages.

2293. de Gennes, P.G., “Wetting: Statics and dynamics,” Reviews of Modern Physics, 57, 827-863, (1985).

963. no author cited, “Polarised flame treatment,” Revista de Plasticos Modernos, 79, 252-254, (Mar 2000).

853. Bergbreiter, D.E., “New synthetic methodology for grafting at polymer surfaces,” in Chemically Modified Surfaces, Pesek, J.J. and I.E. Leigh, eds., 24-40, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1994.

2767. Sherman, P.B., and M.P. Garrard, “Surface treatments for plastic films and containers,” in Plastics: Surface and Finish, 2nd Ed., Simpson, W.G., ed., 221-236, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1995.

944. Jensen, W.B., “Lewis acid-base interactions and adhesion theory,” Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 55, 881-901, (1982).

1749. Crocker, G.J., “Elastomers and their adhesion,” Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 42, 30+, (Feb 1969).

633. Ellul, M.D., and D.R. Hazleton, “Chemical surface treatments of natural rubber and EDPM thermoplastic elastomers: effects on friction and adhesion,” Rubber and Chemical Technology, 67, 582-601, (Sep 1994).

2161. Glogauer, S., “Plasma and adhesion to rubber, plastics substrates,” Rubber and Plastics News, 38, 16-19, (Jun 2009).

World-class, fully automated manufacturing processes rely more and more on advanced, environmentally friendly surface treatment technologies. An innovative atmospheric pressure plasma technique allows inline rubber and plastic manufacturing processes to become fully automated with total process control. A thorough pretreatment must produce surfaces with reliable and repeatable characteristics to achieve optimal adhesive bonding, coating and printing results. In addition, pretreatment must be delivered in a cost-effective and safe manner. The new process uses the high effectiveness of plasma for microfine cleaning, high-surface activation and nanocoating. In most cases the plasma application takes the place of environmentally unfriendly and costly solvent cleaning or chemical adhesion promoters and primers.

2079. Kucherenko, O.B., C. Kohlert, E.A. Sosnov, and A.A. Malygin, “Synthesis and properties of polyvinyl chloride films with modified surface,” Russian J. Applied Chemistry, 79, 1316-1320, (Aug 2006).

Atomic-force microscopy was used to study structural chemical transformations on the surface of polyvinyl chloride films subjected to modification with compounds based on acrylic acid derivatives, with preliminary activation of the polymer surface with a corona discharge.

945. Gray, V.R., “Contact angles, their significance and measurement,” in S.C.I. Monograph #25 : Wetting, 99-119, S.C.I., 1966.

1023. Ayres, R.L., and D.L. Shofner, “Preparing polyolefin surfaces for inks and adhesives,” SPE Journal, 28, 51-55, (Dec 1972).

508. Koo, M.-N., “The effect of drop size on contact angle (MS thesis),” SUNY Buffalo, 1979.

576. Shu, L.-K., “Contact angles and determination of the components of surface energy of polymer surfaces (PhD dissertation),” SUNY Buffalo, 1991.

55. Chaudhury, M.K., and G.M. Whitesides, “Correlation between surface free energy and surface constitution,” Science, 255, 1230-1232, (Mar 1992).

209. Langmuir, I., “Overturning and anchoring of monolayers,” Science, 87, 493-500, (1938).

238. Miller, S.A., H. Luo, S.J. Pachuta, and R.G. Cooks, “Soft-landing of polyatomic ions at fluorinated self-assembled monolayer surfaces,” Science, 275, 1447-1449, (Mar 1997).


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