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962. Novak, I., and S. Florian, “Influence of ageing on adhesive properties of polypropylene modified by discharge plasma,” Polymer Intl., 50, 49-52, (Jan 2001).

1284. Zheng, Z., et al, “A study of the influence of controlled corona treatment on UHMWPE fibres in reinforced vinylester composites,” Polymer Intl., 52, 1833-1838, (Dec 2003).

2768. Kim, K.-J., S.-B. Lee, and N.W. Han, “Effects of the degree of crosslinking on properties of poly(vinyl acetate) membranes,” Polymer J., 25, 1295-1302, (1993).

1747. Hudis, M., and L.E. Prescott, “Surface crosslinking of polyethylene produced by the ultraviolet radiation from a hydrogen glow discharge,” Polymer Letters, 10, 179-183, (1972).

446. Culbertson, E.C., and D. Rudd, “Adhesion on plastic substrates,” Polymer Paint Colour Journal, 181, 538-541, (Sep 1991).

456. Elwes, E.H., and C. Delahaye, “Adhesion problems associated with coating polypropylene,” Polymer Paint Colour Journal, 181, 151-152, (Mar 1991).

417. Bataille, P., M. Dufourd, and S. Sapieha, “Graft polymerization of styrene onto cellulose by corona discharge,” Polymer Preprints, 32, 559-560, (Apr 1991).

577. Silverstein, M.S., and Y. Sodovsky, “Wetting and adhesion in UHMWPE films and fibers,” Polymer Preprints, 34, 308-309, (Aug 1993).

514. Lee, L.-H., “Wettability of functional polysiloxanes,” Polymer Science and Technology, 9B, 647+, (1975).

2089. Sanchis, M.R., O. Calvo, O. Fenollar, D. Garcia, and R. Balart, “Characterization of the surface changes and the aging effects of low-pressure nitrogen plasma treatment in a polyurethane film,” Polymer Testing, 27, 75-83, (Feb 2008).

In this work, low-pressure nitrogen plasma has been used to improve wettability in a polyurethane film. Evaluation of wettability changes has been carried out using contact angle measurements. Furthermore, plasma-treated films have been subjected to air aging to evaluate the extent of hydrophobic recovery. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) has been used to study surface functionalization; surface topography changes related with the etching mechanism have been followed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and weight loss study. The results show a considerable improvement in surface wettability even for short exposure times, as observed by a remarkable decrease in contact angle values. The aging study shows a partial hydrophobic recovery due to the re-arrangement of polar species and migration of low molecular oxidized material (LMWOM). In addition to surface activation, SEM and AFM analyses show slight changes in surface topography as a consequence of the plasma-etching mechanism.

2904. Zenkiewicz, M., “Comparative study on the surface free energy of a solid calculated by different methods,” Polymer Testing, 26, 14-19, (Feb 2007).

2949. Luque-Agudo, V., M. Hierro-Oliva, A.M. Gallardo-Moreno, and M.L. Gonzalez-Martin, “Effect of plasma treatment on the surface properties of polylactic acid films,” Polymer Testing, 96, (Apr 2021).

Plasma treatment is one of the methods currently used to obtain polymeric materials with surface properties appropriate to the functionality for which they were designed. However, the effects achieved after surface modification are not always long lasting and involve chemical and physical changes in the outermost layer. In this context, the effects of both argon and oxygen plasma on polylactic acid (PLA) films deposited on titanium were studied to determine which physical and chemical processes occur at the surface, and their duration. Regarding physical surface changes, there were scarcely any differences between both plasmas: roughness was very similar after treatments, root mean square height (Sq) being 10 times higher than the control, without plasma. Water contact angle (WCA) showed that the surface became more hydrophilic after application of the plasma, although hydrophilization was longer lasting in the case of argon treatment.

With regard to chemical changes, it was observed that the argon plasma treatment caused greater fragmentation of the polymer chains, and increased crosslinking between them. ToF-SIMS analysis made it possible to propose mechanisms to explain the formation of the fragments observed.

1359. Bai, G., and Y. Liu, “Plasma-based surface modification and adhesion enhancement of polyester monofilaments,” Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 51, 708-711, (Jul 2006).

2990. Cen-Puc, M., A. Schander, M.G. Vargas Gleason, and W. Lang, “An assessment of surface treatments for adhesion of polyimide thin films,” Polymers, 13, (Jun 2021).

Polyimide films are currently of great interest for the development of flexible electronics and sensors. In order to ensure a proper integration with other materials and PI itself, some sort of surface modification is required. In this work, microwave oxygen plasma, reactive ion etching oxygen plasma, combination of KOH and HCl solutions, and polyethylenimine solution were used as surface treatments of PI films. Treatments were compared to find the best method to promote the adhesion between two polyimide films. The first selection of the treatment conditions for each method was based on changes in the contact angle with deionized water. Afterward, further qualitative (scratch test) and a quantitative adhesion assessment (peel test) were performed. Both scratch test and peel strength indicated that oxygen plasma treatment using reactive ion etching equipment is the most promising approach for promoting the adhesion between polyimide films.

1026. Chou, S., and S. Chen, “Effect of plasma polymerisation of monomers on glass fibre surfaces on adhesion to polypropylene,” Polymers & Polymer Composites, 8, 267-279, (2000).

2236. Lewin, M., A. Mey-Marom, and R. Frank, “Surface free energies of polymeric materials, additives and minerals,” Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 16, 429-441, (2005).

625. Bandookwala, M.S.H., “Corona treatment on polyolefin surfaces: a critical phenomenon,” Popular Plastics, 34, 57-59, (Jan 1989).

1009. no author cited, “Polarized flame treatment,” Popular Plastics and Packaging, 45, 80-81, (Mar 2000).

2057. Wetterman, R.P., “Contact angles measure component cleanliness,” Precision Clean, 21-24, (Oct 1997).

2861. Soon, C.F., W.I.W. Omar, N. Nayan, H. Basri, M.B. Narawi, and K.S. Tee, “A bespoke contact angle measurement software and experimental setup for determination of surface tension,” Procedia Technology, 11, 487-494, (2013).

Contact angle measurement has wide application in studying the wettability of a surface. This paper presents a contact angle measurement system developed using simple apparatus. The system consists of a bespoke measurement software, USB microscope, motorized linear position slider and a sample holder with back lighting system. The advantages of this system include user friendly, compact size, allow manual and automatic measurements and cost effective. This system is established with the contact angle and surface tension measurement experiment which is based on Fox-Zisman theory. Different probe liquids were suggested and the critical surface tension of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polyimide were determined using both the software and the hardware system developed.

1779. Andrews, E.H., and A.J. Kinloch, “Mechanics of adhesion failure,” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A332, 385-399, (1973).

2890. Macdougall, G., and C. Ockrent, “Surface energy relations in liquid/solid systems 1. The adhesion of liquids to solids and a new method of determining the surface tension of liquids,” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 180, 151-173, (1942).

1330. Grundke, K., T. Bogumil, T. Gietzelt, H.-J. Jacobasch, D.Y. Kwok, A.W. Neumann, “Wetting measurements on smooth, rough and porous solid surfaces,” Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 101, 58-68, (1996).

1331. Kwok, D.Y., and A.W. Neumann, “Contact angles and surface energetics,” Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 109, 170-184, (1998).

2829. Alexander, C.S., M.C. Branch, M. Strobel, M. Ulsh, N. Sullivan, and T.Vian, “Application of ribbon burners to the flame treatment of polypropylene films,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 34, 696-713, (Dec 2008).

This article focuses on recent advances in the understanding of industrial gas burners. Ribbon burners have been chosen as the focus of the review because of the advantages presented by the burner arrangement and burner performance. The ribbon burner configuration, because of its ability to provide large flame surface and flame stabilization, has a large range of stability as flow rate, equivalence ratio and reactant gas composition are varied. Discussed in detail is the application of ribbon burners in the surface modification, or flame treatment, of polymer films to increase the wettability of a polymer surface. Optimum treatment requires a spatially homogeneous post-flame reaction zone even with burners up to 3 m in length. For methane/air flames, the optimum equivalence ratio is near 0.93 where the active oxidizing-species concentration near the surface is a maximum. Chemical kinetic models of the impinging flame and surface oxidation chemistry of a polymer film are also discussed. The model predictions are in good qualitative agreement with the available understanding of the flame variables affecting surface treatment and the expected oxidized species on the polymer surface.

423. Bierwagen, G.P., “Surface dynamics of defect formation in paint films,” Progress in Organic Coatings, 3, 101, (1975).

509. Lane, J.M., and D.J. Hourston, “Surface treatments of polyolefins,” Progress in Organic Coatings, 21, 269-284, (Mar 1993).

1219. Jacobasch, H.-J., K. Grundke, S. Schneider, and F. Simon, “The influence of additives on the adhesion behaviour of thermoplastic materials used in the automotive industry,” Progress in Organic Coatings, 26, 131-143, (Sep 1995).

1384. Tsuchiya, Y., K. Akutu, and A. Iwata, “Surface modification of polymeric materials by atmospheric plasma treatment,” Progress in Organic Coatings, 34, 100-107, (Jul 1997).

1696. Al-Turaif, H., D.W. Bousfield, and P. LePoutre, “The influence of substrate absorbency on coating surface energy,” Progress in Organic Coatings, 49, 62-68, (2004).

The surface energy of coating layers influences their final properties such as their ability to repel or absorb fluids. Recent work has shown that the substrate, due to absorption, can alter the surface chemistry of the top coating layer. However, the influence of substrate properties on coating surface energies is not reported in the literature.Three coatings, based on a pigment and a latex binder, are applied on three different substrates that differ in terms of absorption properties. The three coatings were also modified with a soluble polymer. Contact angle measurements of three different probe fluids were measured. These contact angles were used to estimate the polar, dispersive, and total surface energy of the coating layers. Surface energies were also determined for the latex and pigments.The contact angles and surface energies of the latex films and pigments agree with the expected results. Most of the results for the coating layers agree with the reported surface chemistry of these coatings. Large pigment systems on absorbent substrates have a high contact angle and low surface energy. These results agree with the expected results based on the surface chemistry reported in past work. The results for the fine pigment system had low contact angles and high surface energies and did not agree with the expected results. The contact angles may be influenced by the surface roughness of the coatings or the expected surface energy of a heterogeneous surface may not be a simple function of the surface composition.

2017. Rentzhog, M., and A. Fogden, “Print quality and resistance for water-based flexography on polymer-coated boards: Dependence of ink formulation and substrate pretreatment,” Progress in Organic Coatings, 57, 183-194, (Nov 2006).

The performance of water-based acrylic flexographic inks laboratory printed on three different polymer-coated boards, namely coated with LDPE, OPP and PP, have been analysed and interpreted. The print quality and resistance properties obtained were related to varying ink formulation, in particular choice of emulsion polymer and presence of silicone additive in the vehicle, as well as varying levels of corona pretreatment. Print mottle and adhesion were worst on PP, while wet (water) rub and scratch resistance were worst on OPP and PE, respectively. However, these properties could be greatly influenced by the ink formulation, more so than corona level. In general addition of silicone improved scratch resistance, due to reduction in polar energy component of the print surface, but at the expense of worsened wet rub resistance. The emulsion polymer giving best resistance performance was generally found to give poorest optical properties, presumably due to more limited resolubility on press.

2059. Schuman, T., B. Adolfsson, M. Wikstrom, and M. Rigdahl, “Surface treatment and printing properties of dispersion-coated paperboard,” Progress in Organic Coatings, 54, 188-197, (Nov 2005).

Paperboard was coated on a pilot scale using aqueous dispersions of styrene–butadiene (SB) copolymers in order to improve its surface characteristics (including printability) and barrier properties with regard to the transmission of water vapour. Coating the paperboard with the dispersion in two steps gave a smoother surface with a remarkable increase in gloss. The printing properties of the smoother double-coated surface were slightly better than those of the single-coated surface. Paraffin wax added to the latex dispersion reduced the water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) but had a negative effect on the printability of the board.

The effect of two commonly used surface treatment techniques (corona and plasma at atmospheric pressure) on the printing and barrier properties of dispersion-coated (containing wax) paperboard was evaluated. A fairly intense corona treatment led to an undesirable increase in the WVTR-value. A less intense corona treatment preserved the WVTR-value to a great extent, but the printability remained at an unsatisfactory level. With plasma treatment, the water vapour barrier was not impaired, and the printability of the plasma-treated dispersion-coated (wax-containing) substrate was good. It is suggested that a better result using corona treatment may be obtained by optimising the power and controlling the time between the treatment and the printing, although this was not investigated here.

638. Heath, R.J., “Review of the surface coating of polymeric substrates. Need to adopt surface and interfacial science priciples to improve product quality,” Progress in Rubber and Plastics Technology, 6, 369-401, (1990).

1462. Brewis, D.M., “Adhesion problems at polymer surfaces,” Progress in Rubber and Plastics Technology, 1, 1-21, (Oct 1985).

829. Stepczynska, M., and M. Zenkiewicz, “Effect of corona discharge on the wettability and geometric surface structure of polylactide,” Przemysi Chemiczny, 89, 1637-1640, (Dec 2010).

Surface layer of com. polylactide (PLA) was modified with corona discharges and studied for contact angle (H2O, CH2J2) and the geometric structure (at. force microscopy). The surface free energy was caled, by using Owens-Wendt equation. The treatment resulted in a decrease in the contact angle and an Increase in the surface free energy of the PLA film.

840. Zenkiewicz, M., K. Moraczewski, J. Richert, and M. Stepczynska, “Effect of corona treatment on wettability and surface free energy of polylactid composites,” Przemysi Chemiczny, 91, 599-603, (Apr 2012).

The paper investigates the effect of corona discharge (CD) treatment on the properties of surface layer (SL) of polylactide (PLA) film. The modification of PLAwas carried out in the air and helium atmosphere and the results were compared on the basis of the assessment ofwettability, surface free energy (SFE) calculated using Owens-Wendt method aswell as the degree of oxidation (O/C) of the modified SL, determined by photoelectron spectroscopy.

2574. Guimond, S., I. Radu, G. Czeremuszkin, and M.R. Wertheimer, “Modification of polyolefins in nitrogen atmospheric pressure glow discharges,” in Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry, 400-404, Puhajarve, Estonia, 2002.

2060. Mesic, B., M. Lestelius, G. Engstrom, and B. Edholm, “Printability of PE-coated paperboard with water-borne flexography: Effects of corona treatment and surfactants addition,” Pulp & Paper Canada, 106, 36-41, (Nov 2005).

415. Barton, A.F.M., “Applications of solubility parameters and other cohesion parameters in polymer science and technology,” Pure and Applied Chemistry, 57, 905-912, (1985).

632. Egitto, F.D., “Plasma etching and modification of organic polymers,” Pure and Applied Chemistry, 62, 1699-1708, (1990).


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