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ACCU DYNE TEST ™ Bibliography

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2096. Zekonyte, J., “Mechanisms of argon ion-beam surface modification of polystyrene,” Surface Science, 532-535, 1040-1044, (2003).

2113. Smith, R.E., “Using ACCU DYNE TEST Marker Pens to measure substrate surface energy,”, 2003.

2114. Smith, R.E., “Substrate surface energy testing,”, 2003.

2494. Tuominen, M., J. Lavonen, H. Teisala, M. Stepien, and J. Kuusipalo, “Atmospheric plasma treatment in extrusion coating, part 1: Surface wetting and LDPE adhesion to paper,” in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment of Polymers, Thomas, M., and K.L. Mittal, eds., 329-354, Scrivener, 2003.

2759. Arlt, G., “Treatment electrode topology - some secrets for success,” in 9th TAPPI European PLACE Conference Proceedings, TAPPI Press, 2003.

682. Polischuk, T., “Corona treaters: up to the challenge,” Package Printing, 50, 36-40, (Jan 2003).

2485. Rulison, C., “Adhesion energy and interfacial tension - two related coating/substrate interfacial properties: Which is more important for your application, and why?,”, Jan 2003.

1080. Martin-Martinez, J.M., M.D. Romero-Sanchez, C.M. Cepeda-Jiminez, et al, “Surface treatments to improve vulcanised latex adhesion: Current state of the art,” in Polymers in Building and Construction (Rapra Review Report 154), 157-178, Rapra, Feb 2003.

1274. Briggs, D., D.M. Brewis, R.H. Dahm, and I.W. Fletcher, “Analysis of the surface chemistry of oxidized polyethylene: Comparison of XPS and ToF-SIMS,” Surface and Interface Analysis, 35, 156-167, (Feb 2003).

1380. Sahil, S., A. Bellel, Z. Ziari, A. Kahlouche, and Y. Segui, “Measure and analysis of potential decay in polypropylene films after negative corona charge deposition,” J. Electrostatics, 57, 169-181, (Feb 2003).

2195. Wolf, R.A., “Atmospheric plasma,” Paper Film & Foil Converter, 77, 44+, (Feb 2003).

151. Bhala, M., and L. Dube, “Standardization of polyethylene treatment level using a mathematical model,” Iranian Polymer J., 12, 51-55, (Mar 2003).

683. Cohen, E.D., “Ask AIMCAL: How do I upgrade the laboratory coatings process?,” Converting, 21, 22-23, (Mar 2003).

684. Mount, E.M. III, “Aluminum adhesion of metallized films in lamination,” Converting, 21, 66-72, (Mar 2003).

1254. Strobel, M., V. Jones, C.S. Lyons, M. Ulsh, M.J. Kushner, R. Dorai, M.C. Branch, “A comparison of corona-treated and flame-treated polypropylene films,” Plasmas and Polymers, 8, 61-95, (Mar 2003).

1360. Bento, W.C.A., R.Y. Honda, M.E. Kayama, W.H. Schreiner, N.C. Cruz, E.C. Rangel, “Hydrophilization of PVC surfaces by argon plasma immersion ion implantation,” Plasmas and Polymers, 8, 1-11, (Mar 2003).

1375. Kogelschatz, U., “Dielectric-barrier discharges: Their history, discharge physics, and industrial applications,” Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 23, 1-46, (Mar 2003).

2553. Park, Y.W., and N. Inagaki, “Surface modification of poly(vinylidene fluoride) film by remote Ar, H2, and O2 plasmas,” Polymer, 44, 1569-1575, (Mar 2003).

698. Nimmer, T.J., and R. Young, “An overview of surface treatment for three-dimensional objects,” ScreenPrinting, 93, 42-45, (Apr 2003).

933. Yalkowski, S.H., and Y. He, Handbook of Aqueous Solubility Data, CRC Press, Apr 2003.

1414. Sabreen, S.R., and N. Roobol, “Preparing plastics for painting,” Plastics Decorating, (Apr 2003).

2194. Podhajny, R.M., “Some things to remember about dynamic surface tension,” Paper Film & Foil Converter, 77, 0, (Apr 2003).

809. Greig, S., “Corona treatment - an update for running waterbased inks,” Flexible Packaging, 5, 36-39, (May 2003).

1386. Wagner, H.E., R. Brandenburg, K.V. Kozlov, A. Sonnenfeld, P. Michel, J.F. Behnke, “The barrier discharge: Basic properties and applications to surface treatment,” Vacuum, 3, 417-436, (May 2003).

2413. Grace, J.M., L.J. Gerenser, C.J. Landry-Coltrain, K.D. Sieber, et al, “High-efficiency plasma treatment of paper,” U.S. Patent 6565930, May 2003.

846. Friedrich, J., G. Kuhn, R. Mix, I. Retzko, V. Gerstung, St. Weidner, R.-D. Schul, “Plasma polymer adhesion promoters for metal-polymer systems,” in Polyimides and Other High Temperature Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 359-388, VSP, Jun 2003.

847. Iwamori, S., N. Yanagawa, M. Sadamoto, R. Nara, and S. Nakahara, “RF plasma etching of a polyimide film with oxygen mixed with nitrogen trifluoride,” in Polyimides and Other High Temperature Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 407-418, VSP, Jun 2003.

848. Wang, Y., and S. Rak, “Surface modification of polyphenylene sulfide plastics to improve their adhesion to a dielectric adhesive,” in Adhesion Aspects of Polymeric Coatings, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 121-136, VSP, Jun 2003.

2087. Murakami, T.N., Y. Fukushima, Y. Hirano, Y. Tokuoka, M. Takahashi, N. Kawashima, “Surface modification of polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) by active oxygen treatment,” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 29, 171-179, (Jun 2003).

2150. Kaplan, S.L., “Cold gas plasmas and silanes,”, Jun 2003.

1188. Chen, Q., “Investigation of corona charge stability mechanisms in polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) teflon films after plasma treatment,” J. Electrostatics, 59, 3-13, (Jul 2003).

2164. no author cited, “Research Report D20-1236: Interlaboratory study to establish precision statements for ASTM D2578, Standard Test Method for Wetting Tension of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Films,” ASTM International, Jul 2003.

903. Chehimi, M.M., A. Azioune, and E. Cabet-Deliry, “Acid-base interactions: Relevance to adhesion and adhesive bonding,” in Handbook of Adhesive Technology, 2nd Ed., Pizzi, A., and K.L. Mittal, eds., 95-144, Marcel Dekker, Aug 2003.

2291. Gotoh, K., Y. Nakata, M. Tagawa, and M. Tagawa, “Wettability of ultraviolet excimer-exposed PE, PI, and PTFE films determined by the contact angle measurements,” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 224, 165-173, (Aug 2003).

2540. Hegemann, D., H. Brunner, and C. Oehr, “Plasma treatment of polymers for surface and adhesion improvement,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B, 208, 281-286, (Aug 2003).

905. no author cited, “New approach to plastic surface treatment,” Plastics Technology, 49, 37, (Sep 2003).

1052. Lahti, J., T. Penttinen, J. Rasanen, and A. Savolainen, “The role of surface modification in digital printing on polymer coated packaging boards,” in 2003 PLACE Conference and the Global Hot Melt Symposium, TAPPI Press, Sep 2003 (also in Polymer Engineering and Science, V. 44, p. 2052-2060, Nov 2004).

1053. Markgraf, D.A., “What technology should I use to treat my film?,” in 2003 PLACE Conference and the Global Hot Melt Symposium, TAPPI Press, Sep 2003 (also in AIMCAL 2003 Fall Technical Conference, AIMCAL, Oct 2003).

1054. Wolf, R.A., and R.E. Ellwanger, “Inline functional coatings of surfaces via plasma CVD at atmospheric pressure,” in 2003 PLACE Conference and the Global Hot Melt Symposium, TAPPI Press, Sep 2003.

1190. Ikada, Y., Surface Modification of Polymers for Metal Adhesion, CRC Press, Sep 2003.


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