ACCU DYNE TEST ™ Bibliography
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1723. Kunz, M., and M. Bauer, “Superior adhesion with 'smart priming' - New surface modification technology,” RadTech Report, 27-32, (Nov 2000).
353. Stobbe, B.D., “The problem solver,” Flexible Packaging, 2, 31-32, (Dec 2000).
624. Rigali, L., and W. Moffat, “Gas plasma: A dry process for cleaning and surface treatment,” in Handbook for Critical Cleaning, Kanegsberg, B., and E. Kanegsberg, eds., 337-342, CRC Press, Dec 2000.
777. Chang, W.V., and X. Qin, “"Repulsive acid-base interactions": Fantasy or reality,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 3-54, VSP, Dec 2000.
778. Della Volpe, C., and S. Siboni, “Troubleshooting of surface free energy acid-base theory applied to solid surfaces: The case of Good, van Oss, and Chaudhury theory,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 55-90, VSP, Dec 2000.
779. Kwok, D.Y., and A.W. Neumann, “Contact angle measurements and contact angle interpretation: Relevance to the thermodynamics of adhesion,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 91-166, VSP, Dec 2000.
780. Good, R.J., “On the acid/base theory of contact angles,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 167-172, VSP, Dec 2000.
781. van Oss, C.J., “Acid-base interactions as the driving force for both hydrophobic attraction and hydrophilic repulsion,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 173-180, VSP, Dec 2000.
782. Chehimi, M.M., M. Delamar, J. Kurdi, F. Arefi-Khonsari, V. Lavaste, and J.F. Wat, “Charaterisation of acid-base properties of polymer surfaces by XPS,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 275-298, VSP, Dec 2000.
783. Etzler, F.M., J. Simmons, N. Ladyzhynsky, V. Thomas, and S. Maru, “Assesment of acid-base character of polymer surfaces from contact angle and other surface chemical data,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 385-394, VSP, Dec 2000.
784. Helt, S., J. Evieux, Y. Baziard, V. Nassiet, and J.-A. Petit, “Characterization of acid-base properties of surfaces by contact angle titration:application to the adhesive bonding of silicon carbide,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 399-418, VSP, Dec 2000.
785. Morra, M, and C. Cassinelli, “Acid-base characteristics of polymer surfaces: relevance to bioadhesion,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 497-512, VSP, Dec 2000.
786. Netravali, A.N., and Q. Song, “Laser surface modification of ultra-high-strength polyethylene fibers: correlation between acid-base interactions and adhesion to epoxies,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 525-538, VSP, Dec 2000.
787. Allred, R.A., and S.P. Wesson, “Effects of acid base interactions on carbon/polycarbonate composite interfacial adhesion,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 551-580, VSP, Dec 2000.
788. Kamath, Y.K., and C.J. Dansizer, “Acid-base interactions in the measurements of surface energies of textile fibers and finish liquids,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 593-600, VSP, Dec 2000.
789. Charbonnier, M., M. Romand, M. Alami, and T.M. Duc, “Surface modification of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) in RF glow-discharge (H2,He,Ar,O2,N2,NH3) plasmas.XPS characterization,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 3-28, VSP, Dec 2000.
790. Charbonnier, M., M. Romand, and M. Alami, “Plasma surface modification of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) substrates: a route for electroless plating,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 29-44, VSP, Dec 2000.
791. Kuhn, G., A. Ghode, St. Weidner, I. Retzko, W.E.S. Unger, and J.F. Friedrich, “Chemically well-defined surface functionalization of polyethylene and polypropylene by pulsed plasma modification followed by grafting of molecules,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 45-64, VSP, Dec 2000.
792. Yializis, A., S.A. Pirzada and W. Decker, “A novel atmospheric plasma system for polymer surface treatment,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 65-76, VSP, Dec 2000.
793. Hsieh, M.C., J.P. Youngblood, W. Chen, and T.J. McCarthy, “Ultrahydrophobic polymeric surfaces prepared using plasma chemistry,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 77-90, VSP, Dec 2000.
794. Ortiz-Magan, A.B., M. Pastor-Blas, T.P. Ferrandiz-Gomez, and J.M. Martin-Martine, “Treatment of vulcanized SBR rubber with low-pressure gas plasma using oxygen-nitrogen mixtures,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 91-120, VSP, Dec 2000.
795. Larsson, A., and A. Ocklind, “Plasma treated polycarbonate as substrate for culture of adherent mammalian cells,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 121-136, VSP, Dec 2000.
796. Kopf, H., C. Seidel, B. Gotsmann, H. Fuchs, and K. Reihs, “An XPS and SFM study of plasma treatment and A1 metallisation of polycarbonate: a comparison of SF6 and Ar plasma treatments,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 173-182, VSP, Dec 2000.
797. Tatoulian, M., F. Cavalli, G. Lorang, J. Amouroux, and F. Arefi-Khonsari, “Copper metallization of plasma-treated fluorinated polymers: study of the interface and adhesion measurements,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 183-198, VSP, Dec 2000.
798. van Ooij, W.J., S. Luo, E. Mader, and K. Mai, “Improved rubber adhesion to textile tire cords by deposition of plasma-polymerized films,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 225-242, VSP, Dec 2000.
799. Netravali, A.N., Q. Song, J.M. Caceres, M.O. Thompson, and T.J. Renk, “Excimer laser and high power ion beam surface modification of ulrta-high strength polyethylene fibers for improved adhesion to epoxy resins,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 355-376, VSP, Dec 2000.
800. Nie, H.-Y., M.J. Walzak, and N.S. McIntyre, “Atomic force microscopy study of UV/ozone treated polypropylene films,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 377-392, VSP, Dec 2000.
801. Cho, J.-S., Y.-W. Beag, K.-H. Kim, S. Han, J. Cho, and S.-K. Koh, “High surface energy polymers obtained by bombardment with a keV ion beam in a reactive gas environment,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 393-408, VSP, Dec 2000.
802. Gotoh, K., M. Tagawa, N. Ohmae, and M. Tagawa, “Wettability of polyimide films modified by exposure to atomic oxygen,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 445-460, VSP, Dec 2000.
884. Radu, C.-D., P. Kiekens, and J. Verschuren, “Surface modification of textiles by plasma treatments,” in Surface Characteristics of Fibers and Textiles, Pastore, C.M., and P. Kiekens, eds., 203-218, Marcel Dekker, Dec 2000.
1378. Rahel, J., M. Cernak, I. Hudec, M. Stefecka, M. Kando, and I. Chodak, “Surface modification of polyester monofilaments by atmospheric-pressure nitrogen plasma,” Plasmas and Polymers, 5, 119-127, (Dec 2000).
1577. Palmers, J., “Roll-to-roll plasma treater to improve bonding and modify surfaces,” Coating Magazine, 469, (Dec 2000).
1857. Davies, J., C.S. Nunnerley, A.C. Brisley, R.F. Sunderland, et al, “Argon plasma treatment of polystyrene microtiter wells: Chemical and physical characterisation by contact angle, ToF-SIMS, XPS and STM,” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 174, 287-295, (Dec 2000).
2543. Kim, J., M.K. Chaudhury, and M.J. Owen, “Hydrophobic recovery of polydimethylsiloxane elastomer exposed to partial electrical discharge,” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 226, 231-236, (Jun 2000).
605. Yializis, A., S.A. Pirzada, and W. Decker, “Atmospheric Plasma Treatment of Polymer Films,” Sigma Technologies, 2001.
958. Cho, D.L., K.H. Shin, W.-J. Lee, and D.-H. Kim, “Improvement of paint adhesion to a polypropylene bumper by plasma treatment,” J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 15, 653-664, (2001).
959. Bae, B., B.-H. Chun, and D. Kim, “Surface characterization of microporous polypropylene membranes modified by plasma treatment,” Polymer, 42, 7879-7885, (2001).
1007. Strobel, M., N. Sullivan, M.C. Branch, V. Jones, J. Park, M. Ulsh, et al., “Gas-phase modelling of impinging flames used for the flame surface modification of polypropylene film,” J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 15, 1-21, (2001).
1024. Poon, B., A. Chang, S.P. Chum, L. Tau, W.R. Volkenburgh, A. Hilter, and E. Baer, “Adhesion of polyethylene to polypropylene in multi-layer films,” in ANTEC 2001 Conference Proceedings, 445, Society of Plastics Engineers, 2001.
1041. Morris, B.A., and N. Suzuki, “The case against oxidation as a primary factor for bonding acid copolymers to foil,” in ANTEC 2001 Conference Proceedings, 25-35, Society of Plastics Engineers, 2001.
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