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1297. Budziak, C.J., E.I. Vargha Butler, and A.W. Neumann, “Temperature dependence of contact angles on elastomers,” J. Applied Polymer Science, 42, 1959-1964, (1991).

1298. Li, D., and A.W. Neumann, “Thermodynamics of contact angle phenomena in the presence of a thin liquid film,” Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 36, 125-151, (1991).

1329. Moy, E., P. Cheng, Z. Policova, S. Treppo, D. Kwok, D.R. Mack, et al, “Measurement of contact angles from the maximum diameter of non wetting drops by means of a modified axisymmetric drop shape analysis,” Colloids and Surfaces, 58, 215-227, (1991).

1454. Youxian, D., H.J. Griesser, A.W.H. Mau, R. Schmidt, and J. Liesegang, “Surface modification of polytetrafluoroethylene by gas plasma treatment (to increase the surface energy),” Polymer, 32, 1126-1130, (1991).

1552. no author cited, “Technical bulletin: A recommended practice for evaluating surface treatment of polyethylene and polypropylene containers,” Society of the Plastics Industry, 1991.

1583. Friedrich, J., I. Loeschcke, H. Frommelt, et al, “Aging and degradation of poly(ethylene-terephthalate) in an oxygen plasma,” Polymer Degradation and Stability, 31, 97-114, (1991).

1688. Kanda, N., M. Kogoma, H. Jinno, H. Ychiyama, and S. Okazaki, “Atmospheric pressure glow plasma discharge and its application to surface treatment and film deposition,” in Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Vol. 3, 3.2.201-204, ISPC, 1991.

1797. Hsieh, Y.-L., S. Xu, and M. Hartzell, “Effects of acid oxidation on wetting and adhesion properties of ultra-high modulus and molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibers,” J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 5, 1023-1039, (1991).

1911. Whitesides, G.M., H.A. Biebuyck, J.P. Folkers, and K.L. Prime, “Acid-base interactions in wetting,” J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 5, 57-69, (1991) (also in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, K.L. Mittal and H.R. Anderson Jr., eds., p. 229-242, VSP, Nov 1991).

1912. Webster, H.F., and J.P. Wightman, “Effects of oxygen and ammonia plasma treatment on polypropylene sulfide thin films and their interaction with epoxy adhesive,” J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 5, 93-106, (1991) (also in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, K.L. Mittal and H.R. Anderson Jr., eds., p. 329-342, VSP, Nov 1991).

2217. Masuda, S., “Surface treatment of plastic material by pulse corona induced plasma chemical process - PPCP,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Vol. 1, 703, IEEE, 1991.

2322. Goldshtein, D., “Modification of the surface of polytetrafluoroethylene in a flow discharge plasma in vapors of various organic compounds,” High Energy Chemistry, 25, 303-306, (1991).

2874. Sengupta, A., and H.P. Schreiber, “Surface characteristics of polyurethane adhesive formulations,” J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 5, 947-957, (1991).

219. Leech, C.S. Jr., “Surface tension and surface energy: Practical procedures for printing on problem plastics,” ScreenPrinting, 81, 52-62, (Jan 1991).

422. Bezigian, T., “Why corona treating works,” Converting, 9, 12, (Jan 1991).

63. Clearfield, H.M., D.K. McNamara, and G.D. Davis, “Adherend surface preparation for structural adhesive bonding,” in Fundamentals of Adhesion, Lee, L.-H., ed., 203-238, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

72. Davis, G.D., “Characterization of surfaces,” in Fundamentals of Adhesion, Lee, L.-H., ed., 139-174, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

75. de Gennes, P.-G., “The dynamics of wetting,” in Fundamentals of Adhesion, Lee, L.-H., ed., 173-179, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

96. Filbey, J.A., and J.P. Wightman, “Surface characterization in polymer/metal adhesion,” in Fundamentals of Adhesion, Lee, L.-H., ed., 175-202, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

142. Good, R.J., and M.K. Chaudhury, “Theory of adhesive forces across interfaces, I. The Lifshitz-van de Waals component of interaction in adhesion,” in Fundamentals of Adhesion, Lee, L.-H., ed., 137-151, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

143. Good, R.J., M.K. Chaudhury, and C.J. van Oss, “Theory of adhesive forces across interfaces, I. Interfacial hydrogen bonds as acid-base phenomena and as factors enhancing adhesion,” in Fundamentals of Adhesion, Lee, L.-H., ed., 153-172, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

150. Haley, P.J., and M.J. Miksis, “The effect of the contact line on droplet spreading,” J. Fluid Mechanics, 223, 57-81, (Feb 1991).

216. Lee, L.-H., ed., Fundamentals of Adhesion, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

217. Lee, L.-H., ed., Adhesive Bonding, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

468. Gutowski, W.S., “Thermodynamics of adhesion,” in Fundamentals of Adhesion, Lee, L.-H, ed., 87-135, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

515. Lee, L.-H., “Hard-soft acid-base (HSAB) principle for solid adhesion and surface interactions,” in Fundamentals of Adhesion, Lee, L.-H., ed., 349-362, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

516. Lee, L.-H., “Recent studies in polymer adhesion mechanisms,” in Adhesive Bonding, Lee, L.-H., ed., 1-30, Plenum Press, Feb 1991.

456. Elwes, E.H., and C. Delahaye, “Adhesion problems associated with coating polypropylene,” Polymer Paint Colour Journal, 181, 151-152, (Mar 1991).

613. no author cited, “Ceramic coat raises corona efficiency, lowers cost,” Converting World, 6, (Mar 1991).

614. no author cited, “Skip-treating technology fixes seal-failure problem,” Paper Film & Foil Converter, 65, 50, (Mar 1991).

1282. Chappell, P.J.C., J.R. Brown, G.A. George, and H.A. Willis, “Surface modification of extended chain polyethylene fibres to improve adhesion to epoxy and unsaturated polyester resins,” Surface and Interface Analysis, 17, 143-150, (Mar 1991).

417. Bataille, P., M. Dufourd, and S. Sapieha, “Graft polymerization of styrene onto cellulose by corona discharge,” Polymer Preprints, 32, 559-560, (Apr 1991).

1453. Kaplan, S.L., and P.W. Rose, “Plasma surface treatment of plastics to enhance adhesion,” Intl. J. Adhesion and Adhesives, 11, 109-113, (Apr 1991).

612. no author cited, “For rollers on high-power corona treaters: modifications defy harsh conditions,” Paper Film & Foil Converter, 65, 50, (May 1991).

2218. Kaplan, S.L., and W.P. Hansen, “Plasma - the environmentally safe method to prepare plastics and composites for adhesive bonding and painting,” Presented at SAMPE Environmental Symposium, May 1991.

202. Kumar, D., and S.N. Srisastava, “Wettability and surface energies of polymer substrates,” in Surface Phenomena and Fine Particles in Water-Based Coatings and Printing Technology, Sharma, M.S., and F.J. Micale, eds., 299-308, Plenum Press, Jun 1991.

292. Podhajny, R.M., “Surface tension effects on the adhesion and drying of water-based inks and coatings,” in Surface Phenomena and Fine Particles in Water-Based Coatings and Printing Technology, Sharma, M.S., and F.J. Micale, eds., 41-58, Plenum Press, Jun 1991.

330. Sharma, M.K., “Surface phenomena in coatings and printing technology,” in Surface Phenomena and Fine Particles in Water-Based Coatings and Printing Technology, Sharma, M.K., and F.J. Micale, eds., 1-26, Plenum Press, Jun 1991.

1958. Bascom, W.D., and W.-J. Chen, “Effect of plasma treatment on the adhesion of carbon fibers to thermoplastic plastics,” J. Adhesion, 34, 99-119, (Jun 1991).

1959. Kinloch, A.J., and G.K.A. Kodokian, “On the calculation of dispersion and polar force components of the surface free energy,” J. Adhesion, 34, 41-44, (Jun 1991).


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