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ACCU DYNE TEST ™ Bibliography

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2323. Gilman, A., “Effect of treatment conditions in a glow discharge on the wettability of PTFE,” High Energy Chemistry, 24, 64-66, (1990).

2324. Kusabiraki, M., “Surface modification of polytetrafluoroethylene by discharges,” J. Applied Physics, Part 1, 29, 2809-2814, (1990).

89. Ealer, G.E., S.B. Samuels, and W.C. Harris, “Characterization of surface-treated polyethylene for water-based ink printability,” TAPPI J., 73, 145-150, (Jan 1990).

1273. Foerch, R., N.S. McIntyre, and D.H. Hunter, “Oxidation of polyethylene surfaces by remote plasma discharge: A comparison study with alternative oxidation methods,” J. Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 28, 193-204, (Jan 1990).

2056. Ealer, G.E., W.C. Harris, and S.B. Samuels, “Characterization of surface-treated polyethylene for water-based ink printability,” J. Plastic Film and Sheeting, 6, 17-30, (Jan 1990).

343. Smith, R.E., “Testing the surface tension of substrates,” Converting, 8, 82, (Feb 1990).

1826. van Oss, C.J., R.J. Good, and H.J. Busscher, “Estimation of the polar surface tension parameters of glycerol and formamide, for use in contact angle measurements on polar solids,” J. Dispersion Science and Technology, 11, 75-81, (Feb 1990).

2037. Briggs, D., H. Chan, M.J. Hearn, D.I. McBriar, and H.S. Munro, “The contact angle of poly(methyl methacrylate) cast against glass,” Langmuir, 6, 420-424, (Feb 1990).

2044. Kloubek, J., “Evaluation of surface free energy of polyacetylene from contact angles of liquids [Erratum],” Langmuir, 6, 1034, (May 1990).

2380. Dinter, P., L. Bothe, and J.D. Gribbin, “Process and device for surface pre-treatment of plastic by means of an electrical corona discharge,” U.S. Patent 4929319, May 1990.

123. Gengler, P., “The role of dielectrics in corona treating,” Converting, 8, 62-66, (Jun 1990).

1829. Tagawa, M., K. Gotoh, A. Yasukawa, and M. Ikuta, “Estimation of surface free energies and Hamaker constants for fibrous solids by wetting force measurements,” Colloid and Polymer Science, 268, 589-594, (Jun 1990).

2280. Morra, M., E. Occhiello, and F. Garbassi, “Knowledge about polymer surfaces from contact angle measurements,” Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 32, 79-116, (Jun 1990).

2381. Prohaska, G.W., R.J. Butler, and C.G. Nickoson, “Surface modification of fluoropolymers by reactive gas plasmas,” U.S. Patent 4933060, Jun 1990.

2382. Yoshida, T., and K. Isono, “Surface treatment method,” U.S. Patent 4933123, Jun 1990.

311. Savolainen, A., J. Kuusipalo, and H. Karhuketo, “Extrusion coating: corona after-treatment of LDPE coating,” TAPPI J., 73, 133-139, (Jul 1990).

416. Bassemir, R.W., and R. Krishnan, “Practical applications of surface energy measurements in flexography,” Flexo, 15, 31-40, (Jul 1990).

935. Cormia, R.D., “Use plasmas to re-engineer your advanced materials,” Research & Development, (Jul 1990).

79. DiBello, L., “An alternate technique for the measurement of surface tension of treated substrates,” in 1990 Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Conference Proceedings, 801-803, TAPPI Press, Aug 1990.

223. Lindland, H.T., and C. Granville, “New developments in flame treating,” in Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Conference Proceedings 1999 (Book 2), TAPPI Press, Aug 1990.

528. Markgraf, D.A., and R. Edwards, “Corona treating solves sealing problems: eliminating the elusive hydrocarbon,” in 1990 Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Conference Proceedings, 915-925, TAPPI Press, Aug 1990.

1456. Kaplan, S.L., and P.W. Rose, “Plasma surface treatment of plastics to enhance adhesion,” in Adhesion '90, 4/1-4/7, Sep 1990.

27. Blitshteyn, M., and R. Wetterman, “Surface treatment of polyolefins,” Modern Plastics, 67, 424, (Oct 1990).

523. Mapleston, P., “Plasma technology progress improves options in surface treatment,” Modern Plastics Intl., 20, 74-79, (Oct 1990).

540. Nishimura, H., T. Nakao, T. Uehara, and S. Yano, “Improvement of paperboard mechanical properties through corona-discharge treatment,” TAPPI J., 73, 275-276, (Oct 1990).

910. Wettermann, R.P., “Electrical surface treatment of medical plastics,” Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry, (Oct 1990).

291. Podhajny, R.M., “Comparing surface treatments,” Converting, 8, 46-52, (Nov 1990).

386. Wetterman, R.P., “Electrical surface treatment of polyolefin packaging materials for improved adhesion and printing,” J. Packaging Technology, 6, 22-25, (Nov 1990).

534. Menges, G., W. Michaeli, R. Ludwig, and K. Scholl, “Corona treatment of polypropylene films,” Kunststoffe, 80, 4-6, (Nov 1990).

690. Hart, C.P., “Metallized films having an inherent copolyester coating,” U.S. Patent 4971863, Nov 1990.

1455. Kasemura, T., S. Ozawa, and K. Hattori, “Surface modification of fluorinated polymers by microwave plasmas,” J. Adhesion, 33, 33-44, (Nov 1990).

2383. Kelly, P.T., “Corona-discharge treated release films,” U.S. Patent 4978436, Dec 1990.

2402. Arrington, E.E., D.A. Glocker, and T.J. Tatarzyn, “Atmospheric pressure glow discharge treatment of paper base material for imaging applications,” U.S. Patent 5888713, Mar 1999.

1. Bassemir, R.W., and R. Krishnan, “Surface phenomena in waterbased flexo inks for printing on polyethylene films,” in Surface Phenomena and Fine Particles in Water-Based Coatings and Printing Technology, Sharma, M.K., and F.J. Micale, eds., 27-34, Plenum Press, 1991.

10. Asfardjani, K., Y. Segui, Y. Aurelle, and N. Abidine, “Effect of plasma treatments on wettability of polysulfone and polyetherimide,” J. Applied Polymer Science, 43, 271-281, (1991).

37. Brennan, W.J., W.J. Feast, H.S. Munro, and S.A. Walker, “Investigation of the ageing of plasma oxidized PEEK,” Polymer, 32, 1527-1530, (1991).

78. Dewez, J.L., E. Humbeek, et al, “Plasma treated polymer films: Relationship between surface composition and surface hydrophilicity,” in Polymer-Solid Interfaces, 463-474, Inst. of Physics Publishing, 1991.

100. Foerch, R., and D. Johnson, “XPS and SSIMS analysis of polymers: the effect of remote nitrogen plasma treatment on polyethylene, poly(ethylene vinyl alcohol) and poly(ethylene terephthalate),” Surface and Interface Analysis, 17, 847-854, (1991).

101. Foerch, R., J. Izawa, and G. Spears, “Comparative study of the effects of remote nitrogen plasma, remote oxygen plasma, and corona discharge treatments on the surface properties of polyethylene,” J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 5, 549-564, (1991).

135. Giroux, T.A., and S.L. Cooper, “Surface characterization of plasma-derivatized polyurethanes,” J. Applied Polymer Science, 43, 145-155, (1991).


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