ACCU DYNE TEST ™ Bibliography
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467. Gregory, B.H., D. Michiels, and W.D. McIntyre, “Adhesion improvement by ozone treatment,” in 1982 Paper Synthetics Conference Proceedings, 167-172, TAPPI Press, 1982.
492. Johnson, B.A., “Studies of advancing and receding contact angles (MS thesis),” Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1982.
658. Wu, S., Polymer Interface and Adhesion, Marcel Dekker, 1982.
944. Jensen, W.B., “Lewis acid-base interactions and adhesion theory,” Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 55, 881-901, (1982).
1345. Briggs, D., “Surface treatments for polyolefins,” in Surface Analysis and Pretreatment of Plastics and Metals, Brewis, D.M., ed., 199-226, Applied Science, 1982.
1820. Reichert, W.M., F.E. Filisko, and S.A. Barenberg, “Polyphosphazenes: Effect of molecular motions on thrombogenesis,” J. Biomedical Materials Research, 16, 301-312, (1982).
2335. Boenig, H.V., Plasma Science and Technology, Cornell University Press, 1982.
2784. Kato, Y., F.M. Fowkes, and J.W. Vanderhoff, “Surface energetics of the lithographic printing process,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research & Development, 21, 441-450, (1982).
994. Briggs, D., and C.R. Kendall, “Derivatisation of discharge-treated LDPE: An extension of XPS analysis and a probe of specific interactions in adhesion,” Intl. J. Adhesion and Adhesives, 2, 13-17, (Jan 1982).
2864. Agbezuge, L., and F. Wieloch, “Estimation of interfacial tension components for liquid-solid system from contact angle measurements,” J. Applied Polymer Science, 27, 271-275, (Jan 1982).
1476. Brewis, D.M., ed., Surface Analysis and Pretreatment of Plastics and Metals, Applied Science, Feb 1982.
1509. Briggs, D., “Chemical analysis of polymer surfaces,” in Surface Analysis and Pretreatment of Plastics and Metals, Brewis, D.M., ed., 73-94, Applied Science, Feb 1982.
1510. Rance, D.G., “Thermodynamics of wetting: From its molecular basis to technological application,” in Surface Analysis and Pretreatment of Plastics and Metals, Brewis, D.M., ed., 121-152, Applied Science, Feb 1982.
1511. Dahm, R.H., “Surface treatments for polytetrafluoroethylene,” in Surface Analysis and Pretreatment of Plastics and Metals, Brewis, D.M., ed., 227-254, Applied Science, Feb 1982.
2371. Imada, K., S. Ueno, and H. Nomura, “Method for modifying surface properties of shaped articles of vinyl chloride based resin with low temperature plasma,” U.S. Patent 4315808, Feb 1982.
1966. Sharma, A.K., and H. Yasuda, “Effect of surface energetics of substrates on adhesion characteristics of poly(p-xylylenes),” J. Adhesion, 13, 201-214, (Apr 1982).
646. Lunkenheimer, K., “Problems involved in the practical performance of surface tension measurement of surfactant solutions by using the ring tensiometer,” Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 19, 272+, (May 1982).
2372. Ferrarini, E., “Corona effect surface treatment apparatus for sheet,” U.S. Patent 4334144, Jun 1982.
1990. Birdi, K.S., “Contact angle hysteresis on some polymeric solids,” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 88, 290-293, (Jul 1982).
41. Briggs, D., D.R. Kendall, A.R. Blythe, and A.B. Wootton, “Electrical discharge treatment of polypropylene film,” Polymer, 24, 47-52, (1983).
367. Triolo, P.M., and J.D. Andrade, “Surface modification and characterization of commonly used catheter materials,” J. Biomedical Materials Research, 17, 129-147, (1983).
376. Wang, L.-H., and R.S. Porter, “The surface orientation of polystyrene measured by liquid contact angle,” J. Applied Polymer Science, 28, 1439-1445, (1983).
429. Briggs, D., and M.P. Seah, Practical Surface Analysis: By Auger and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
444. Collins, W.M., “Classical review of corona treatment,” in 1983 Coextrusion Conference Proceedings, 47+, TAPPI Press, 1983.
475. Hansen, C.M., and E. Wallstrom, “On the use of cohesion parameters to characterise surfaces,” J. Adhesion, 15, 275+, (1983).
479. Hobbs, J.P., C.S.P. Sung, K. Krishnann, and S. Hill, “Characterization of surface structure and orientation in polypropylene and poly(ethylene terephthalate) films by modified attenuated total reflection IR dichromism studies,” Macromolecules, 16, 193-199, (1983).
1343. Fowkes, F.M., “Acid-base interactions in polymer adhesion,” in Physico-Chemical Aspects of Polymer Surfaces, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., Plenum Press, 1983.
1399. Markgraf, D.A., “Evolution of corona treating electrodes,” in 1983 Paper Synthetics Conference Proceedings, 255, TAPPI Press, 1983.
2039. Saito, M., and A. Yabe, “Dispersion and polar force components of surface tension of some polymer films,” Textile Research Journal, 53, 54-59, (1983).
1989. Sachler, E., “The possibility of 'standard' surface tension values for polymers,” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 92, 275-276, (Mar 1983).
926. Pennance, J.R., “Printing on plastic films: problems with surface tension,” Screen Printing, 73, 108-109, (Jun 1983).
1988. Dabros, T., and T.G.M. Van de Ven, “On the effects of blocking and particle detachment on coating kinetics,” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 93, 576-579, (Jun 1983).
1785. Busscher, H.J., A.W.J. Van Pelt, H.P. De Jong, and J. Arends, “Effect of spreading pressure on surface free energy determinations by means of contact angle measurements,” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 95, 23-27, (Sep 1983).
1987. Bagnall, R.D., and P.A. Arundel, “Problems with the determination of surface free energy components by solving simultaneous equations,” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 95, 271-272, (Sep 1983).
2373. Runck, W.A., “Corona discharge treatment roll,” U.S. Patent 4402888, Sep 1983.
916. Sprecher, T.W., “Testing corona treatments,” Paper Film & Foil Converter, 57, (Nov 1983).
1965. Allen, K.W., L. Greenwood, and T.C. Siwela, “Surface treatment of metal surfaces by corona discharge,” J. Adhesion, 16, 127-131, (Nov 1983).
31. Bodo, P., and J.-E. Sundgren, “Adhesion of evaporated titanium to polyethylene: effects of ion bombardment pretreatment,” J. Vacuum Science and Technology, A2, 1498-1502, (1984).
42. Briggs, D., “New developments in polymer surface analysis,” Polymer, 25, 1379-1391, (1984).
200. Kronberg, B., and P. Stenius, “The effect of surface polarity on the adsorption of nonionic surfactants, I. Thermodynamic considerations,” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 102, 410-417, (1984).
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