ACCU DYNE TEST ™ Bibliography
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1478. Della Volpe, C., S. Siboni, and M. Morra, “Comments on some recent papers on interfacial tension and contact angles,” Langmuir, 18, 1441-1444, (2002).
621. Della Volpe, C., and S. Siboni, “The evaluation of electron-donor and electron-acceptor properties and their role in the interaction of solid surfaces with water,” in Water in Biomaterials Surface Science, Morra, M., ed., 183-214, John Wiley & Sons, Sep 2001.
778. Della Volpe, C., and S. Siboni, “Troubleshooting of surface free energy acid-base theory applied to solid surfaces: The case of Good, van Oss, and Chaudhury theory,” in Acid-Base Interactions: Relevance to Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 2, Mittal, K.L., ed., 55-90, VSP, Dec 2000.
1206. Della Volpe, C., and S. Siboni, “Acid-base surface free energies of solids and the definition of scales in the Good-van Oss-Chaudhury theory,” J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 14, 235-272, (2000) (also in Apparent and Microscopic Contact Angles, J. Drelich, J.S. Laskoski, and KL. Mittal, eds., p. 171-208, VSP, Jun 2000).
1477. Della Volpe, C., and S. Siboni, “Acid-base behaviour of (polymer) surfaces: Theory,” in Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, Hubbard, A., ed., Marcel Dekker, 2002.
1678. Della Volpe, C., and S. Siboni, “Calculations of acid-base surface tension components: SurfTen 4.3, a program for the calculation of acid-base solid surface free energy components,”, Jul 2004.
2289. Della Volpe, C., and S. Siboni, “Some reflections on acid-base solid surface free energy theories,” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 195, 121-136, (Nov 1997).
449. Demarquette, N.R., et al, “Interfacial tension between polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS): experimental and theoretical evaluation,” in ANTEC 97, Society of Plastics Engineers, Apr 1997.
2509. Denes, F., Z.Q. Hua, E. Barrios, R.A. Young, and J. Evans, “Influence of RF-cold plasma treatment on the surface properties of paper,” J. Macromolecular Science Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 32, 1405-1443, (1995).
450. Derjaguin, B.V., N.V. Churaev, and V.M. Muller, Surface Forces, Plenum Press, 1987.
1491. Derjaguin, B.V., and S.M. Levi, Film Coating Theory, Focal Press, 1943.
1175. Derr, L., and F. Gum, “Printing on film: A pressroom guide to OPP for packaging,” Flexo, 30, 53-56, (Sep 2005).
1092. Desai, H., L. Xiaolu, A. Entenberg, B. Kahn, F.D. Egitto, L.J. Matienzo, et al, “Adhesion of copper to poly(tetrafluoroethylene) surfaces modified with vacuum UV radiation downstream from He and Ar microwave plasmas,” in Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol. 3, Mittal, K.L., ed., 139-158, VSP, Sep 2004.
2095. Desai, S.M., and R.P. Singh, “Surface modification of polyethylene,” in Advanced Computer Simulation Approaches for Soft Matter Sciences III, Holm, C., and K. Kremer, eds., 231-294, Springer, 2004.
2269. Deshmukh, R.R., and A.R. Shetty, “Comparison of surface energies using various approaches and their suitability,” J. Applied Polymer Science, 107, 3707-3717, (Mar 2008).
The surface chemistry and surface energies of materials are important to performance of many products and processes—sometimes in as yet unrecognized ways. This article has been written for the researchers who wish to calculate solid surface energy (SE) from contact angle data. In this article, we describe various methods of calculations and their assumptions. The theoretical and experimental approaches for understanding the solid surface free energy using various methods are discussed in this article. Researchers concerned with many fields such as printing, dyeing, coating, adhesion, pharmaceuticals, composite materials, textiles, polymers, and ceramics should have interest in this topic. SE calculated by various methods for polyethylene surface treated in air plasma is discussed. Using contact angle data, the values of surface roughness using Wenzels equation, have been obtained and correlated to surface roughness calculated from AFM data.
© 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 2008
2974. Deshmukh, R.R., and N.V. Bhat, “The mechanism of adhesion and printability of plasma processed PET films,” Materials Research Innovations, 22, 283-290, (Sep 2003).
630. Desimoni, E., and P.G. Zambonin, “Spectroscopies for surface characterization,” in Surface Characterization of Advanced Polymers, Sabbatini, L., and P.G. Zambonin, eds., 1-5, Wiley-VCH, Jul 1993.
1794. Deslandes, Y., G. Pleizier, E. Poire, S. Sapieha, M.R. Wertheimer, and E. Sacher, “The surface modification of pure cellulose paper induced by low-pressure nitrogen plasma treatment,” Plasmas and Polymers, 3, 61-76, (Jun 1998).
2510. Desmet, T., R. Morent, N. De Geyter, C. Leys, E. Schacht, and P. Dubreuil, “Nonthermal plasma technology as a versatile strategy for polymeric biomaterials surface modification: A review,” Biomacromolecules, 10, 2351-2378, (2009).
In modern technology, there is a constant need to solve very complex problems and to fine-tune existing solutions. This is definitely the case in modern medicine with emerging fields such as regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. The problems, which are studied in these fields, set very high demands on the applied materials. In most cases, it is impossible to find a single material that meets all demands such as biocompatibility, mechanical strength, biodegradability (if required), and promotion of cell-adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation. A common strategy to circumvent this problem is the application of composite materials, which combine the properties of the different constituents. Another possible strategy is to selectively modify the surface of a material using different modification techniques. In the past decade, the use of nonthermal plasmas for selective surface modification has been a rapidly growing research field. This will be the highlight of this review. In a first part of this paper, a general introduction in the field of surface engineering will be given. Thereafter, we will focus on plasma-based strategies for surface modification. The purpose of the present review is twofold. First, we wish to provide a tutorial-type review that allows a fast introduction for researchers into the field. Second, we aim to give a comprehensive overview of recent work on surface modification of polymeric biomaterials, with a focus on plasma-based strategies. Some recent trends will be exemplified. On the basis of this literature study, we will conclude with some future trends for research.
1606. Dettre, R.H., and R.E. Johnson Jr., “Contact angle hysteresis, 2: Contact angle measurements on rough surfaces,” in Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion: The Kendall Award Symposium Honoring William A. Zisman (Advances in Chemistry Series 43), Fowkes, F.M., and R.F. Gould, eds., 136-144, American Chemical Society, 1964.
1781. Dettre, R.H., and R.E. Johnson, Jr., “Surface properties of polymers I: The surface tensions of some molten polyethylenes,” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 21, 367-377, (Apr 1966).
1792. Dettre, R.H., and R.E. Johnson, Jr., “Concerning the surface tension, critical surface tension, and temperature coefficient of surface tension of poly(tetrafluoroethylene),” J. Physical Chemistry, 71, 1529-1531, (Apr 1967).
1793. Dettre, R.H., and R.E. Johnson, Jr., “Surface tensions of perfluoroalkanes and polytetrafluoroethylene,” J. Colloid and Interface Science, 31, 568-569, (Apr 1969).
1515. Devine, A.T., and M.J. Bodnar, “Effects of various surface treatments on adhesive bonding of polyethylene,” Adhesives Age, 12, 35, (May 1969).
2311. Dewey, B., “Method and apparatus for treating surfaces,” U.S. Patent 3017339, Jan 1962.
78. Dewez, J.L., E. Humbeek, et al, “Plasma treated polymer films: Relationship between surface composition and surface hydrophilicity,” in Polymer-Solid Interfaces, 463-474, Inst. of Physics Publishing, 1991.
79. DiBello, L., “An alternate technique for the measurement of surface tension of treated substrates,” in 1990 Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Conference Proceedings, 801-803, TAPPI Press, Aug 1990.
82. DiGiacomo, J.D., “Advanced technology flame plasma surface treating systems,” in 1993 Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Conference Proceedings, 227-233, TAPPI Press, Aug 1993 (also in 36th Annual Technical Conference Proceedings, p. 356-361, Society of Vacuum Coaters, Nov. 1993).
83. DiGiacomo, J.D., “Flame plasma treatment - a viable alternative to corona treatment,” in 1995 Polymers, Laminations, & Coatings Conference Proceedings, 173-183, TAPPI Press, Aug 1995.
451. DiGiacomo, J.D., “Flame plasma applications: surface preparation techniques,” in Decorating Div. ANTEC 1995, Society of Plastics Engineers, 1995.
618. DiGiacomo, J.D., “Fundamentals of flame plasma surface treating & troubleshooting dryer systems,” in 2002 Troubleshooting Short Course for Extrusion Coating & Flexible Packaging Notes, 119-149, TAPPI Press, Jun 2002.
733. DiGiacomo, J.D., “Flame plasma surface treatment,” in Extrusion Coating Manual, 4th Ed., Bezigian, T., ed., 121-130, TAPPI Press, Feb 1999.
1112. DiGiacomo, J.D., “Fundamentals of flame plasma surface treating,” in 8th European Polymers, Films, Laminations and Extrusion Coatings Conference, TAPPI Press, May 2001.
1558. DiGiacomo, J.D., “Adhesion promotion using flame plasma surface treatment,” in ANTEC 2007, Society of Plastics Engineers, May 2007.
2743. DiGiacomo, J.D., and D. Medina, “Flame plasma surface treating system applied to a high speed coating line,” in 2005 PLACE Conference Proceedings, 578-590, TAPPI Press, Sep 2005.
81. DiGiacomo, J.D., and H.T. Lindland, “Flame treatment of polyolefin,” in Finishing '91, Society of Mechanical Engineers, Sep 1991.
1047. DiGiacomo, J.D., and J. Pezzuto, “Troubleshooting flame plasma surface treating systems-Q&A approach,” in 1996 Polymers, Laminations and Coatings Conference Proceedings, 101-104, TAPPI Press, Oct 1996.
1368. DiGiacomo, J.D., and S. Sabreen, “Flame plasma surface treatment improves adhesion of polymers,” Plastics Decorating, (Oct 2005).
2266. DiMundo, R., and F. Palumbo, “Comments regarding 'An essay on contact angle measurements',” Plasma Processes and Polymers, 8, 14-18, (Jan 2011).
In this commentary we discuss the assay by M. Strobel and C. S. Lyons on contact angle measurements, critical and popular topic in surface/plasma science community. We agree with stressing the importance of dynamic contact angle measurements (i.e. the evaluation of both advancing and receding). However, we make some remarks about the meaning of angle hysteresis with particular regard to the concepts of roughness and chemical heterogeneity, on the basis of our experience in hydrophobic and super-hydrophobic surfaces. Further, we describe our different point of view in the dispute between Wilhelmy balance and sessile drop methods.
1508. Diaz Martin, E., J. Fuentes, M. Savage, amd R. Cerro, “Static contact angles: The fully augmented Young-Laplace equation,” Presented at ISCST 13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Sep 2006.
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